Archer & Bubby knew their Dad loved this old Beetle. They decided it was time to fix it up. They rolled up their sleeves and got to work! Archer chewed on their bubble pipe that looked just like their Dad's, but less smelly, and asked Pedro the chicken what he thought was a good tool to start with. Bubby thought pensively "hmmmmm…"

They tinkered away. Content to be doing something special for someone who meant a whole lot to them. Pedro the motivational chicken there all the while, maybe just for the noms, but we hope also for the support! They snacked on their dad's favorite snack, bbq chips, hoping to gain some wisdom from the sweet and spicy crunchy morsels. Every good project needs thought, motivation, intention... some skill, and just a smidge of luck! The best projects though, need love. They were overflowing with love for this project. They couldn't wait to show their dad how hard they worked in the garage, covered in grease and genuine accomplishment.

Feral Youth - Potter Glasses black
Feral Youth - CuffLinks & Bowtie Giraffe Black
Feral Youth - Giraffe Bubble Pipe black
Feral Youth - Hipster Suspender Roll-ups Outfit Giraffe blue
Tram J0324
Bebe Ayla Youth Bento Head 1.2
Bebe Youth Fitted Body 1.2
Little Miss Lumber Boots / Youth & Youth Chonk / Black
Tram F519 Hair
Feral Youth - CuffLinks & Bowtie Giraffe red
Feral Youth - Hipster Suspender Roll-ups Outfit Giraffe red
Feral Youth - Keds Stranger Thangs
Bebe Youth Fitted Body 1.0
Bebe Ayla Youth Bento Head 1.2
Junk Food - Sup Noodles Chicken (Rez)
Junk Food - Puffles (Bbq) Static
FAYDED - LH Guesthouse Garage
[Con.] The Garage Collection - Gas Pump - Yellow
{LA} Old Beetle
{UnflatStuff} Trolley B
Soy. My Trailer Life - pipe chair
+Half-Deer+ Spilled Liquid - Large Puddle - White