We got to a this new city Bubby and I had never been before and it was real big! Like, real real big you guys...
Anyways... there were these yummy smelling pizza pops down the street from where we were going... I admit I got distracted and my nose led me away. I sniffed my way to the pizza pop stand. I thought Bubby was right behind me! After I got our pizza pops I turned around to give him his and he wasn't there! In fact all I could see was a sea of people.
I took a bite of my pizza pop and decided not to panic, or at least not LOOK like I was panicking... what does mom always say? "Find a place and stay put." Ok, I would try that... I walked about a block or two closer to what I thought was where we had been going and found and old abandoned bus stop. That seemed like a good place to wait. I was pretty anxious so I ate the pizza pops... "sorry bro, if I ever find you again, I will get you 5! I promise!"
This whole waiting thing was pretty boring.

Thank goodness for my My Bro pirate friend, or I would have been the loneliest ever!

Bubby, I sure hope you find me soon, the sun is starting to go down!
To be continued...
Outfit -
{Feral Youth}- Sheep Sneaks w. TxtChng socks {Feral Youth}-Hipster Overall Roll-ups w. Sweatshirt TxtChng
{Feral Youth} -myBro*overalls*PirateSpecial(hold) Bebe Brand - Youth Fitted Body 1.2
Bebe Brand - Ayla Youth Bento Head 1.2
BESOM HAIR~ Jordan *Size 1*
Scene -
Soy. Shell Bench w/ color change
Soy. Abandoned Memorys - Bus stop
Soy. Abandoned Memorys - Bus Stop Sign
~UrBaN SpIrIt~ Trash Bag 1 (green)
T-Spot Mesh - Dry Grass Tufts & Patches
Urban Jungle - CITY FILLER 12 - DETAILED