The warm spring breeze, right after the rain woke all the flowers up, kissed their faces. They sat outside for the first time with t-shirts on and played and drew and read their favorite stories to the animals. They heard their Dad call from inside and knew it was dinner time and they jumped up to run inside and there she was... their mom with her camera... *click*

ARCHER Tram F519 Hair -{Feral Youth}-*ThinkOutside* Pawsitive Suspender Roll-Ups -{Feral Youth}- Puppy Sneaks w. TxtChng socks Bebe Ayla Youth Bento Head Bebe Youth Fitted Body Bubby
Tram F519 Hair -{Feral Youth}- *Neighborhood* Pawsitive Suspender Roll-Ups -{Feral Youth}- Puppy Sneaks w. TxtChng socks Bebe Ayla Youth Bento Head Bebe Youth Fitted Body
Most of the décor is free gifts from Nutmeg... yeah, free!
Except for the beautiful animals which are from Jian <3