Jaas (pronounced Jayce) had a golden jet, a killer smile and everything an 9 year old could ever want, except the one thing they needed the most, family. Jaas hadn't seen his parents in... well maybe ever. He knew everyone at the lab. The lab was where he grew up. Jaas was special you see. Jaas had something unique and his gift was about to change the course of the Moon Twins' lives forever...

Feral Youth - FallStar OpenShirtBlazer&Jeans
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 - v1.6 - Mocap
Ringmaster Boots for Suit (Youth) - Breaux Willow
tram J0324 hair
{Bebe} Youth Fitted Body 1.2
[Bad Unicorn] (Gold) Private Jet 'High SLife Gacha' RARE